Suspend your TRX at around knee height. Grab the handles in each hand and lean back. Maintain your body in a straight line and your arms fully extended retracting your shoulder blades. Your body should lean about 45º from the floor. Place one foot in front of the other. Contract your pelvic floor and core while keep your body straight.


Pull the right handle towards the hip and the left handle towards the roof until both arms are in line. Exhale during the movement. Return to the starting position with a smooth movement while you inhale. Repeat the movement for the specified amount of repetitions and then repeat with the other side. Make sure your shoulder blades are always retracted.

TIPS: The exercise key is quality over quantity. The trick is to perform the exercise using proper form. Alter your grip (neutral, pronated, supinated..) from time to time to train the muscles from multiple angles.