Select the appropriate weight of the dumbbells. Grab the dumbbells with a neutral grip with your hands at shoulder width apart. Separate your feet at hips width apart. Contract your pelvic floor and core while keeping your chest up. Your knees should be slightly bent. Lower the dumbbells by moving your butt back as far as you can keeping them close to your legs. Raise your right leg at the sime time. Your back leg and torso should make a straight line. Make sure that you don't move your back.
Retracting the shoulder blades, pull the dumbbells up to the side of your chest while you exhale. While your are doing the exercise, move only the arms, make sure you don't move any other part of your body. Return to the starting position in a smooth movement while you inhale. Repeat the movement for the specified amount of repetitions and then switch sides and repeat with the other leg.
TIPS: Focus on stiffen the spine all the time using your core muscles.