Select the appropriate plates amount to put them on the barbell. Put the barbell on the traps and grab it firmly with your hands. Stand straight, spread your feet at shoulder width apart and put your toes slightly out. Contract your pelvic floor and core while keeping your chest up.
Step forward with your left leg half metre. Slowly lower your body down until your right knee almost touches the floor while you inhale. Make sure to keep your left shin perpendicular to the floor avoiding the rise of the heel. Pushing mainly from the heel, return to the starting position while you exhale. Make sure you don't move your torso backwards while you perform the exercise. Repeat the movement for the specified amount of repetitions and then repeat with the other leg. While your are doing the exercise, move only the legs, make sure you don't move any other part of your body.
TIPS: To maintain the balance, try to move the feet always in the same line without crossing them. Your head and chest should always look forward.